First Looks at the Prusa i3

I received the parts that I ordered for the Prusa i3. There are some problems:

  1. Need JST-XH connectors for the extruder and z axis motors. I’ll order some extras for the 2 and 3 position connectors as well.
  2. The metal extruder X-axis slide is cool but I need to figure out hoe to mount the proximity sensor.
  3. The new Mk8 extruder’s mounting holes do not match those on the metal slide. Will have to drill this out.
  4. Replaced the bearing on the Z-axis slide but the platic parts don’t hold them well. Will need to find a fix.
  5. Think I will replace all the GT2 belts.
  6. There is a cracked acrylic plate. Will have to fins a way to keep the frame tight at that point.
  7. Need some cable management.

Good news is that everything else looks OK.

About rjbono

Owner and operator of Makerbot CupCake #1603; Puling Prusa Mendel and setting up a Rostock Mini.
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